Saturday, June 11, 2011

Work in Your Office PC From Any Location

Hey Friends It Is Very Easy to Use Your Office PC From Any Location Over The Internet.
I'm talking about a fantastic VNC Software which can help you to use you pc from your home or any location. Lets see how it is easy? or what you need to do it.

I have a requirement list for you to do this.

1. Real IP ( If you have a real IP in your office it will be very easy.)

Real IP

: Real IP means a Static IP Address That You have from your ISP.

A "static IP" address that does not change. Many Internet Service Providers Provide Dynamic IP Address, it may change every time you connect, or every few days if you stay connected.

Large companies that host their own Web servers use a Static IP, so their address remains the same, but there is seldom any advantage to a home user having one. Globally there is a shortage of IP addresses, but as not everyone is on the internet at any one time, allocating them only as and when needed (Dynamically) solves that.

In fact having a dynamic one can have minor benefits, it can make it harder for someone to try and hack into your system in any determined attack, as your address changes periodically.

2. A Software :

There are many kind of software to do this work. I'm going tell about specific one software. That is RealVNC. Personally i used this software & i found it comfortable.

To know more details please visit here

You can download trial version of this software from its website. if you want to get full version please click here. If you need any kind of help about the using process of this software please visit here.


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